Magda Chambriard, the recently appointed CEO of Brazil's state-controlled oil giant Petrobras, is making waves in her first act. Following a period of leadership...
Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM) is making a big bet on the future, raising a staggering $5.2 billion for global investment opportunities. This successful...
Saudi Arabia is gearing up for another significant play in the energy sector, with reports suggesting a $10 billion initial public offering (IPO) for...
The Indian IT sector has recently witnessed a surge, with mid-cap companies like Subex and Happiest Minds leading the charge. Their share prices have...
The cryptocurrency market is experiencing a welcome surge, with major coins like Bitcoin enjoying significant gains. This positive momentum follows news of established financial...
Legendary investor Warren Buffett has once again sent shockwaves through the financial world. His conglomerate, Berkshire Hathaway, revealed a massive $6.7 billion stake in...